The latest news from FCRS

Every year since  2017 FCRS has taken part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge. For the last few years we have sought to raise money to fund scholarships for students at CRS. In 2017 we supported 150 students paying 100% of their fees! We also aim to pay the exam fees of students who will take West African Exam Council final exams in Sierra Leone. They are away for a month and need travel, accommodation and food costs paid.


CRS provides a low cost but high quality education but the most vulnerable are not always able to attend. Some families can not afford the fees, some do not to prioritise education while others choose not to educate their girls. The additional expense of external exams means many able students leave school without the qualifications needed to progress to further education. COVID19 and the subsequent rise in the cost of living has had a massive impact on the social and economic health of students and their ability to pay for their education.


Providing scholarships for the most vulnerable students lifts the burden of paying from parents, promoting the attendance of female, orphaned and other vulnerable students, and supports regular attendance. Paying exam costs allows the most able to take the external exams needed to move on to further education or obtain higher level employment. FCRS covers the full cost external exams: this includes exam fees, travel to Sierra Leone where exams are held and accommodation and food while away.


150 students on scholarships are be able to attend school without relying on their guardian, extended family or family’s ability and or propensity to pay their fees. Vulnerable families have the burden of paying school fees lifted enabling them to use their meagre earnings on food, energy and other household essentials. Able students are able to take their final external exams allowing them to move on with their education and attain certification likely to secure them higher levels of employment.

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